
I like food. I like hammers. I like bunnies.

The Scotch Tape Ball – 2009 Status

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This is something that I started making shortly after 9/11/2001, as a result of spending quite a bit of time on hold with other vendors (the company I was working at had lost their internet connection, and other bits of infrastructure).

I really need to weigh it. I am guessing there is something like a hundred and seventy rolls of tape in there. Most of it is the same Office Max clone scotch tape so determining the weight of a roll of tape minus the ring and extrapolating should be fairly accurate.

The ball currently has a circumference of about 18″.

These days it accumulates tape at a fairly uneven pace. Sometimes here, sometimes there…

Written by Tijger Tsou

January 29th, 2009 at 9:54 am

Posted in Balls,Things

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