Octomom and the Rise of the Idiocracy
I’m beginning to wonder if something really unavoidably bad has happened to the core of American society. I used to think that the rise of religious zealotry was one of the biggest issues we face internally as a nation and as a (relatively) educated people, but now I realize that is only the tip of the tidal wave.

Yeehaw. This is where we are headed it seems.
For people like Nadya Suleman to actually make a living (and profit handsomely) out of being basically useless outside of being a vaginal clown car is a clear sign that something is wrong with us all. Her poor kids are innocent at this point, but they’re really going to be caught in the swirling whirlpool of feces as they get older. This is a woman who successfully sued her former employer for USD $160,000- and then spent $100k of it on in vitro fertilization so she could be a famous garden sow. Now she is going as far to try and trademark the term ‘Octomom’ and possibly build a franchise out of it all. Boy, I can’t wait to be able to buy a case of Octomom condoms, or some Octomom official sports drink… in “Sweaty Crotch Fruit” flavor.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Hotel.

Give it up for the guitar army. YEAAAAAH!
The rise of the idiocracy is at hand. It’s sobering how similar it is to the dark comedy “Idiocracy” by Mike Judge, the creator of Beavis & Butthead. There’s a man who knows something about mocking stupidity, and he crafted a distopia so frighteningly real (yet bonesnappingly funny) for what was a relatively low budget.
It’s really unfortunate how 20th Century Fox completely dumped the promotion of the movie, and tried their best to kill it. In any event that gave it the street cred that it needed to become a true cult classic. Watch the film- it will grab you by the neck in the first five minutes and you will be hooked- guaranteed. If in the beginning you were indifferent about people like Octomom, you’ll be pretty disgusted by the end.

Is this what we have to look forward to?
In conclusion however, the only thing that I can say that even I am guilty of helping perpetuate this idea that being ‘famous’ is the end that justifies the means. I’m sitting here writing about how stupid someone else is, and contributing to their legacy- even if that legacy is sheer idiocy. You as the reader are sitting here reading about my rant, and contributing because of an innate curiousity- whether you agree with me or not does not matter.
It doesn’t change the fact that someone like Octomom is famous and quote possibly can continue to hold the public eye’s attention. The type of attention doesn’t matter any more. Captivating, or repulsive- attention like this generates money.
We’re doomed!