Archive for the ‘Rants’ Category
Access Control Blues

Perspective matters. Particularly when you're not terribly sure which way you are heading.
Around this time last year, I had been in up to my neck dealing with a messy repair job at work. Every day my team and I had to work with issues revolvingĀ The Tickler, The Reacharound, and The Dumptruck. No, this isn’t some unsavory gay porno I’m talking about… these are real project names we have given to various software components of a fairly complex job. Specifically, these are the functional pieces of a physical access control system that we use at work which needed some significant tuning.
Octomom and the Rise of the Idiocracy
I’m beginning to wonder if something really unavoidably bad has happened to the core of American society. I used to think that the rise of religious zealotry was one of the biggest issues we face internally as a nation and as a (relatively) educated people, but now I realize that is only the tip of the tidal wave.
Don’t Use The Word “Battleship”
The battleship is dead!
No navy has built a new one since the close of World War II, well over 60 years ago. The concept of an all-gun surface warship is basically a relic from a time past. Imagine if the term “carriage” was used in a car review for something modern like a Lamborghini Gallardo. It would be out of place, and makes the writer sound less intelligent than they may be.
For example in this recent article by Paul Alexander of the API, he uses the word ‘battleship’:
…Japan has deployed battleships and Patriot missile interceptors off its northern coast to shoot down any rocket debris that the North has said might fall over the area…
Sure you could argue this is just petty semantics but unfortunately makes the writer look ill-informed about the basics of contemporary naval military technology. I’m sure that Paul is not a stupid fellow though- but it is a mistake that he is helping to perpetuate. Unfortunately for him what is normally a goof that only happens in conversation bit him with a published article on the web.
Prada Flip-Flops

I can think of much better ways to spend $300
$300USD and up for a pair of Prada branded flip-flops?
Who… I mean who really buys this sort of crap?
Oh. This girl did apparently (article in Chinese).
Bonus points- she spent $80,000HDK (roughly $11500USD) on a shopping spree. Included in the tally was $1900HKD for a pair of Prada flip-flops.
Okay, so I blow a ton of money on camera gear and machine tools… but those things can be used to make other things. Plus both things hold their resell value pretty well in case I change my mind and say to myself “gee, that was stupid”. Flip-flops, belts, and Vertu mobile phones don’t really do too well in that department.
I am sooooo in the wrong line of work. Maybe I should put my machine tools to work making ridiculously expensive, exclusive thingies. Then I should take pictures of underfed models wearing them. Profit!
So You’re Interested in a DSLR Camera?
You’re probably here because of a random search. Well, i’m no expert, but i’ve got some equipment, and i’ve been shooting for only a little while. I’m probably the perfect person to offer an objective point of view! I’m a newbie too. Just like you, but the only difference is that I have some gear, and you don’t (yet).
Well, I want to help you. I want to help you save money, time, and frustration. So without further do, please allow me the opportunity to set you straight on a few things.
- The equipment DOES NOT really matter!
- Persistence and patience do matter, however.
- Being creative and curious helps a lot.
- Special effects are easy. Time consuming, but still… easy.
- Connections help more than expensive lenses.
The explanation for each of these points continues after the break.
Let American Automakers Go Bankrupt
They want in on a share of the bailout money? Heck no. Let GM, Chrysler, and Ford go down.
A combination of factors have led the the invariable decline of the American automotive industry.
My opinions as just another freaking observer on this? Keep reading if you’re so inclined…