Archive for the ‘Gadgets’ Category
Stuck iPhone Home Button?

Does this really need a freaking sign? Picture is non related to the iPhone.
Is your 1st edition or 3G iPhone home button stuck?
Does it take multiple presses to get back to the home screen?
Does it sometimes not respond at all to the touch, even though the clicker mechanism seems to be intact and not making any grinding noises?
Is your phone no longer under warranty so you fear those sales reps er… Genius Bar technicians are going to try to gouge you on repair costs?
Is your phone not going to be serviceable because it’s been jailbroken?
Well, I’m not saying I have all the answers, but consider this before you take matters into your own hands and begin dissecting your iPhone looking for a way to replace the switch.
The Mac PC
This is the home of the Macintosh PC. It is basically an old Mac Classic case with the CRT ripped out and PC motherboard plus a 10.4″ LCD flatpanel put inside it. Some pictures are shown below. Images open in a new window.
The LEGO Palm
This is the Palm VII that i made out of nothing but LEGO. It is shelled out from the ordinary Palm VII that was issued to me at work. I use it day in and day out as my normal handheld device.
Other people in the office are often left in a steep bogglement when they see it, especially new employees.