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Archive for the ‘DSLR for newbies’ tag

So You’re Interested in a DSLR Camera?

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You’re probably here because of a random search. Well, i’m no expert, but i’ve got some equipment, and i’ve been shooting for only a little while. I’m probably the perfect person to offer an objective point of view! I’m a newbie too. Just like you, but the only difference is that I have some gear, and you don’t (yet).

Well, I want to help you. I want to help you save money, time, and frustration. So without further do, please allow me the opportunity to set you straight on a few things.

  1. The equipment DOES NOT really matter!
  2. Persistence and patience do matter, however.
  3. Being creative and curious helps a lot.
  4. Special effects are easy. Time consuming, but still… easy.
  5. Connections help more than expensive lenses.

The explanation for each of these points continues after the break.

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Written by Tijger Tsou

February 26th, 2009 at 3:00 pm